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Airbyte, dbt, Splitgraph: how we built our modern data stack
Feb 2, 2022 · By Miles Richardson

Drag, drop and share CSV files as queryable SQL tables

You can now upload CSV files to Splitgraph from the web, so that you can query them with SQL by pointing your Postgres client to the Data Delivery Network (DDN). Share data publicly or with only those you invite – all discoverable and queryable from a single unified interface.

What is Splitgraph?

Splitgraph is building the Unified Data Stack – an integrated and modern solution for working with data without worrying about its infrastructure.

You can try Splitgraph now! Browse the public data catalog to discover 40,000+ repositories to query with SQL, through the web IDE or any Postgres client.

Splitgraph is powered by open standards and simple abstractions, like data images – immutable tables that you can push and pull, or query on the fly.

Push to the Data Delivery Network (DDN)

You can use the sgr command line client to build images from dozens of data sources, from CSV files to custom Foreign Data Wrappers. To push them to the DDN, just run sgr push, like you would a Git branch or Docker image.

Splitgraph helps data engineers work more like software engineers. But what if you're not a data engineer? What if you just want to share a CSV file with someone else, or query it with SQL, or join it with some other data?

That's why we built this feature – drag and drop a CSV file to upload it to the Data Delivery Network, where you can publish it or share it privately. You can even upload multiple, to create a table from each! (You can join across those tables, too.)

Upload, Share and Query CSV File(s)

Navigate to splitgraph.com/upload to get started, or try it right from this blog post! Just upload the CSV file(s) you want to publish as tables (privately or with anyone you share them with).


Impatient? Watch these ten second clips demonstrating the feature.

Upload one or multiple CSV files

Configure parameters

Invite collaborators by email

Add collaborator by username

What's Next?

We've got a lot planned, and CSV uploads are just the tip of the iceberg. We're following a general theme of augmenting powerful command line tools with a simple and intuitive web interface. You can already do much of this from the CLI, but from the web you'll soon be able to:

  • Connect to, or ingest from, hundreds of external data sources, all configurable via the web interface
  • Create a splitgraph.yml file from the web, and clone a GitHub repo to orchestrate scheduled ingestion of your data sources

Want a private Splitgraph instance?

If you want Splitgraph for your internal company data, then join the private beta for our cloud SaaS product. We can deploy a white-labeled instance to your own infrastructure and setup a modern data stack for you without any hassle.

Scheduling, versioning and cataloging: introducing our dbt integration