

16 Repositories
  • Icon for the Socrata plugin
    Updated 2 years ago • Last indexed 3 hours ago
    1995 Street Tree Census
    • census
    • inventory
    • parks
    • recreation
    • trees
    • + 1
  • Updated 2 years ago • Last indexed 3 hours ago
    2005 Street Tree Census
  • Updated 2 years ago • Last indexed 3 hours ago
    2010 Census Tract to Neighborhood Tabulation Area Equivalency table
  • Updated 2 years ago • Last indexed 3 hours ago
    2015 Street Tree Census - Blockface Data
  • Updated 2 years ago • Last indexed 3 hours ago
    2015 Street Tree Census - Tree Data
  • Updated 2 years ago • Last indexed 3 hours ago
    2020 Census Tracts to 2020 NTAs and CDTAs Equivalency
  • Updated 18 days ago • Last indexed 3 hours ago
    2020 Community District Tabulation Areas (CDTAs)
  • Updated 18 days ago • Last indexed 3 hours ago
    2020 Neighborhood Tabulation Areas (NTAs)
  • Updated over 4 years ago • Last indexed 3 hours ago
    Census Demographics at the Neighborhood Tabulation Area (NTA) level
  • Updated 5 months ago • Last indexed 3 hours ago