

8 Repositories
capital projectsX
  • Icon for the Socrata plugin
    Updated 3 days ago • Last indexed 3 hours ago
    Capital Project Tracker
    • capital projects
    • parks
  • Updated 1 month ago • Last indexed 3 hours ago
    Capital Projects Dashboard - Budget and Schedule
  • Updated 1 month ago • Last indexed 3 hours ago
    Capital Projects Dashboard - Budget and Spend by Fiscal Year
  • Updated 1 month ago • Last indexed 3 hours ago
    Capital Projects Dashboard - Budget Spend History and Variance
  • Updated 1 month ago • Last indexed 3 hours ago
    Capital Projects Dashboard - Schedule History and Variance
  • Updated 1 year ago • Last indexed 3 hours ago
    Capital Projects
    • capital projects
    • construction
    • design
    • information technology
    • infrastructure
    • + 2
  • Updated 1 month ago • Last indexed 3 hours ago
    Street and Highway Capital Reconstruction Projects - Intersection
  • Updated 1 month ago • Last indexed 3 hours ago
    Street and Highway Capital Reconstruction Projects - Block