Get Data
- covid-1967
- education64
- covid archive56
- opm43
- drs38
- municipal fiscal indicators31
- tax credits29
- dcf28
- executive order 3827
- department of children and families27
- care 4 kids27
- department of revenue services26
- child care26
- decd26
- prescription monitoring program26
- connecticut prescription monitoring program26
- ct dph25
- pmp25
- children24
- tax23
- economic recovery23
- covid school data22
- preschool22
- trend21
- dss19
- tax credits claimed19
- placement18
- department of economic and community development18
- town17
- early care17
- enrollment counts17
- department of social services15
- municipal15
- dss enrollment counts15
- towns13
- mpox13
- attendance rates12
- drs tax data12
- housing12
- race12
- cannabis12
- c4k12
- covid vaccination11
- ethnicity11
- covid congregate settings10
- age10
- census10
- vaccination10
- 2021 municipal fiscal indicators9
- exit cohort9
- + 150