

9 Repositories
  • Icon for the Socrata plugin
    Updated almost 5 years ago • Last indexed 1 hour ago
    2012 Census - Dwelling Units By Structure Type And Occupancy (Neighbourhood)
    • 2012 municipal census
    • neighbourhood
    • occupancy
    • structure type
  • Updated almost 5 years ago • Last indexed 1 hour ago
    2014 Census - Dwelling Units By Structure Type And Occupancy (Citywide)
  • Updated almost 5 years ago • Last indexed 1 hour ago
    2012 Census - Dwelling Units By Structure Type And Occupancy (Citywide)
  • Updated almost 5 years ago • Last indexed 1 hour ago
    2014 Census - Dwelling Units By Structure Type And Occupancy (Ward)
  • Updated almost 5 years ago • Last indexed 1 hour ago
    2016 Census - Dwelling Unit by Structure Type and Occupancy (Citywide)
  • Updated almost 5 years ago • Last indexed 1 hour ago
    2014 Census - Dwelling Units By Structure Type And Occupancy (Neighbourhood)
  • Updated almost 5 years ago • Last indexed 1 hour ago
    2016 Census - Dwelling Unit by Structure Type and Occupancy (Neighbourhood/Ward)
  • Updated almost 5 years ago • Last indexed 1 hour ago
    2012 Census - Dwelling Units By Structure Type And Occupancy (Ward)
  • Updated almost 5 years ago • Last indexed 1 hour ago
    2016 Census - Dwelling Unit by Structure Type and Occupancy (Ward)