- facilities73
- estudiantes73
- equity indicators73
- arts73
- racial equity oakland72
- program72
- índice de información clasificada y reservada72
- internet72
- environmental health72
- afghanistan72
- medicaid72
- facility72
- citywide72
- equity data72
- austin72
- provisional72
- clerk72
- racial equity reports72
- employee71
- census tract71
- rental71
- efficiency71
- lunch71
- public education campaign71
- u.s. adults71
- city council71
- taxi71
- address70
- naics70
- cte70
- funding70
- geo_layer70
- prevalence69
- adults69
- geographic68
- 201068
- child care68
- locations68
- electricity68
- wastewater68
- zip code67
- cultivo67
- breakfast67
- cancer67
- registro67
- status67
- claims66
- ridership66
- tobacco66
- mmwr66
- employees66
- waste66
- outbreak66
- agency65
- air pollution65
- usage65
- age group65
- travel65
- violations65
- dhs65
- performance metrics65
- industry65
- download65
- car65
- dog64
- chronic disease64
- hud64
- veteran64
- cases64
- washington64
- national security64
- park64
- quality64
- drug63
- supper63
- snack63
- parcel63
- forestry63
- formación63
- contracts63
- share63
- legislative63
- road62
- hpms62
- projects62
- ambulance62
- food and nutrition61
- treatment61
- boundaries and districts61
- vaccine61
- wheat61
- cdot61
- md imap61
- 202361
- cook61
- property tax60
- nuisance60
- flu60
- transparencia60
- maryland department of health60