
9 Repositories
  • Icon for the Socrata plugin
    Updated 8 hours ago • Last indexed 31 minutes ago
    Paid Solicitors Disclosed on Charity Registration Forms in Colorado
    • addresses
    • bic
    • charities
    • charity
    • charity registration
    • + 13
  • Updated 10 days ago • Last indexed 31 minutes ago
    Site Address Point
  • Updated 5 hours ago • Last indexed 31 minutes ago
    Addresses in the City of Los Angeles
  • Updated almost 6 years ago • Last indexed 31 minutes ago
    ACT School Locations 2017 - archived
  • Updated 7 days ago • Last indexed 31 minutes ago
    Parcel Addresses
  • Updated 11 hours ago • Last indexed 31 minutes ago
    Zoning by Address
  • Updated 7 hours ago • Last indexed 31 minutes ago
    Charitable Organizations’ Offices in Colorado
  • Updated almost 6 years ago • Last indexed 31 minutes ago
    Tabular Address Points
  • Updated 7 days ago • Last indexed 31 minutes ago
    Pseudo Lots