
12 Repositories
  • Icon for the Socrata plugin
    Updated 22 hours ago • Last indexed 4 hours ago
    DOHMH New York City Restaurant Inspection Results
    • 2018od4a-report
    • 2018od4a-video
    • adjudication
    • fines
    • food safety
    • + 4
  • Updated 28 days ago • Last indexed 4 hours ago
    Enforcement Fines
  • Updated 3 years ago • Last indexed 4 hours ago
    NYC Independent Budget Office (IBO) Non- Tax Revenues FY 1980 - FY 2020
  • Updated 3 years ago • Last indexed 4 hours ago
    NYC Independent Budget Office (IBO) Revenue And Spending Summary FY 1980 - FY 2020
  • Updated 3 months ago • Last indexed 4 hours ago
    Parking Operations Offences and Fines
  • Updated 1 day ago • Last indexed 4 hours ago
    Alcoholic Beverage License Violations
  • Updated almost 2 years ago • Last indexed 4 hours ago
    FI - Fines & Forfeitures
  • Updated over 1 year ago • Last indexed 4 hours ago
    Community Corrections Fines and Fees, 2016-2020
  • Updated 4 years ago • Last indexed 4 hours ago
    County Returns