
35 Repositories
  • Icon for the Socrata plugin
    Updated 4 years ago • Last indexed 2 hours ago
    City Job Applications Submitted
    • applications
    • city jobs
    • civil service
    • classified
    • hiring
    • + 1
  • Updated 1 year ago • Last indexed 2 hours ago
    MCG Turnover Percentage Rate
  • Updated over 11 years ago • Last indexed 2 hours ago
    Budget - 2011 Budget Ordinance - Positions and Salaries
  • Updated 6 hours ago • Last indexed 2 hours ago
    MCG Open Positions
  • Updated 3 hours ago • Last indexed 2 hours ago
    Employee Reimbursements
  • Updated 18 days ago • Last indexed 2 hours ago
    Employee Payroll Data (FMPS Payroll Costing)
  • Updated almost 3 years ago • Last indexed 2 hours ago
  • Updated 27 days ago • Last indexed 2 hours ago
    Employee Reimbursements Through Payroll System
  • Updated 2 days ago • Last indexed 2 hours ago
    Employee Indebtedness to the City of Chicago
  • Updated 5 years ago • Last indexed 2 hours ago
    FY2014 School Staff Positions & Cost