
5 Repositories
  • Icon for the Socrata plugin
    Updated 5 hours ago • Last indexed 4 hours ago
    Block Profile Points
    • block
    • drawings
    • points
    • profile
    • right-of-way
  • Updated over 5 years ago • Last indexed 4 hours ago
    Construction Permits Via DDOT TOPs
  • Updated 20 hours ago • Last indexed 4 hours ago
    Canal Right of Way
    • canal
    • irrigation
    • right
    • right-of-way
    • srp
    • + 1
  • Updated almost 3 years ago • Last indexed 4 hours ago
    NYSDOT Highway Record Plans: Beginning 1900
  • Updated 1 year ago • Last indexed 4 hours ago
    Surplus Properties Sold: Beginning 2009