
46 Repositories
  • Icon for the Socrata plugin
    Updated 23 hours ago • Last indexed 3 hours ago
    City of Cincinnati Vendor Payments
    • budget
    • expenses
    • financial
    • fiscal year
    • money
    • + 2
  • Updated 6 days ago • Last indexed 3 hours ago
    Business Services - Attended and Unattended Transactions
  • Updated 1 year ago • Last indexed 3 hours ago
    EZ Pay Kiosks
  • Updated 6 years ago • Last indexed 3 hours ago
    List of Contractors Doing Business with the City Of Chicago
  • Updated 19 hours ago • Last indexed 3 hours ago
  • Updated 12 days ago • Last indexed 3 hours ago
    Tax Increment Financing (TIF) Annual Report - List of Vendors paid in excess of $10,000
  • Updated 29 days ago • Last indexed 3 hours ago
    Vendor Payments - New Arrivals
  • Updated 1 day ago • Last indexed 3 hours ago
    Open Budget Expenditures - Current Year Totals
  • Updated 1 day ago • Last indexed 3 hours ago
    Open Budget Expenditures - Master Dataset
  • Updated 1 day ago • Last indexed 3 hours ago
    Open Budget Revenue - Current Year Totals