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- ewdd24
- lapd24
- police24
- safety22
- cfs15
- calls15
- jobs15
- program performance15
- 91115
- outcomes13
- port12
- businesses12
- business source10
- planning10
- parking9
- hud9
- safe city8
- foreclosure8
- ethics8
- environmental8
- entitlement8
- disclosure8
- development8
- budget8
- ladbs7
- department of building and safety7
- building permit7
- building7
- building and safety7
- construction7
- ladot dash6
- mechanical6
- special interest6
- transportation6
- dash stops6
- public arts6
- dash routes6
- foreclosures6
- parks6
- restroom6
- covid-196
- museum6
- case number6
- lighthouse6
- water6
- stormwater6
- lahd6
- electrical permit6
- economy5
- covid5
- + 150