

16 Repositories
  • Icon for the Socrata plugin
    Updated 2 months ago • Last indexed 5 hours ago
    511 NY Events: Beginning 2010
    • 511
    • congestion
    • construction
    • incidents
    • traffic
    • + 1
  • Updated 5 years ago • Last indexed 5 hours ago
    Capital Projects, NYS Thruway Authority Capital Programs: Beginning 2005
  • Updated 5 years ago • Last indexed 5 hours ago
    Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Contracts
  • Updated 2 days ago • Last indexed 5 hours ago
    Construction Fatalities: Beginning 2022
  • Updated 3 months ago • Last indexed 5 hours ago
    Continuously Operating Reference Stations (CORS) Network
  • Updated 20 hours ago • Last indexed 5 hours ago
    Crane Operator Certificate of Competence
  • Updated 3 months ago • Last indexed 5 hours ago
    Local Government Code Officials: Beginning 2007
  • Updated 5 years ago • Last indexed 5 hours ago
    Office of Finance and Development 9% Low-Income Housing Tax Credits
  • Updated 5 years ago • Last indexed 5 hours ago
    Office of Finance and Development Bond with 4% Low-Income Housing Tax Credits
  • Updated 5 years ago • Last indexed 5 hours ago
    Office of Finance and Development State Low-Income Housing Tax Credits (SLIHTC) and Subsidy Only Projects