

35 Repositories
  • Icon for the Socrata plugin
    Updated 5 years ago • Last indexed 5 hours ago
    Capital Projects, NYS Thruway Authority Capital Programs: Beginning 2005
    • bridge
    • canal
    • construction
    • pavement
    • roadway
    • + 1
  • Updated 4 years ago • Last indexed 5 hours ago
    E- ZPass Usage Statistics: Beginning 2008
  • Updated almost 5 years ago • Last indexed 5 hours ago
    Historical Auction Data, NYS Thruway Surplus Property: 2010-2013
  • Updated 5 years ago • Last indexed 5 hours ago
    NYS Thruway Origin and Destination for E-ZPass Vehicles Only: 2008 - 2014
  • Updated over 4 years ago • Last indexed 5 hours ago
    NYS Thruway Origin and Destination Points for All Vehicles - 1 Hour Intervals: 2016
  • Updated over 4 years ago • Last indexed 5 hours ago
    NYS Thruway Origin and Destination Points for All Vehicles - 15 Minute Intervals: 2019 Q4
  • Updated 5 years ago • Last indexed 5 hours ago
    NYS Thruway Origin and Destination Points for All Vehicles - 15 Minute Intervals: 2016 Q2
  • Updated 5 years ago • Last indexed 5 hours ago
    NYS Thruway Origin and Destination Points for All Vehicles - 15 Minute Intervals: 2017 Q1
  • Updated almost 4 years ago • Last indexed 5 hours ago
    NYS Thruway Origin and Destination Points for All Vehicles - 15 Minute Intervals: Latest Full Week
  • Updated almost 5 years ago • Last indexed 5 hours ago
    NYS Thruway Origin and Destination Points for All Vehicles - 15 Minute Intervals: 2016 Q1