Get Data
- maryland108
- mdh91
- open data78
- health63
- covid61
- 201961
- data61
- md imap61
- outbreak61
- share61
- coronavirus61
- download61
- disease61
- covid-1961
- department of health60
- maryland department of health60
- mdp58
- planning52
- state health improvement process37
- ship36
- county34
- mde27
- meetings26
- council on open data26
- maryland open data26
- counties24
- death23
- total23
- cases22
- compare20
- baltimore19
- housing19
- residents18
- anne arundel17
- deaths17
- dhcd16
- budget16
- projections15
- air quality15
- carroll14
- queen anne's14
- howard14
- somerset14
- cecil14
- allegany14
- st. mary's14
- wicomico14
- ozone14
- garrett14
- dorchester14
- + 150