- metodologia101
- inspection100
- covid19100
- general government & management100
- exc_001100
- child100
- alcaldia de palmira99
- oidb99
- commercial99
- tda98
- interim assessment98
- street98
- sanitation97
- corruption96
- texas department of agriculture96
- activos96
- oakland96
- influenza95
- sales95
- financial95
- disease94
- mobility94
- map_layer94
- utilities94
- ems94
- 91193
- unemployment93
- 201393
- highway93
- food security91
- mdh91
- opioid91
- environmental justice91
- roads91
- disability90
- summer90
- service requests90
- opinion survey90
- sex90
- databook89
- counties89
- clasificada89
- kmz89
- benefits89
- data book88
- 201288
- transparency87
- environmental monitoring86
- medical86
- procurement85
- reservada85
- nvss84
- bike84
- boundary84
- 201184
- edmonton83
- alcohol83
- taxes83
- nyct83
- land use82
- payroll82
- infrastructure82
- illegal81
- educación81
- neighbourhood80
- dof80
- hhs80
- public80
- highways80
- tanzania80
- new york city transit80
- department of health79
- ethics79
- dedicación78
- garbage78
- risk78
- estrato78
- expenses77
- shelter77
- ethiopia77
- pma - customer experience77
- streets77
- uganda76
- outcomes76
- international affairs76
- hunger76
- registration76
- prevention76
- mdp75
- telecommunications74
- borough74
- economy74
- animal74
- statistics74
- pedestrian74
- subway74
- equity indicators73
- zone of influence73
- vital signs 2.073
- facilities73